Bad Lawyers are Easy to Find – Here is How to Avoid Them

by netCuriosity Editorial -  
December 11, 2019

Reading below and choosing the correct attorney could mean the difference between winning or losing thousands or even millions of dollars.

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The quality of the lawyer you choose WILL almost always determine the success of your case. We have to repeat. Cases are decided by the quality of the team representing you. Often, when choosing a lawyer for the first time, your knowledge may be limited in what traits to look out for. Below is the perfect ‘quick checklist’ every potential client should consider when choosing a lawyer. After, and only after, reading this list should you then choose your lawyer.

  1. Work Environment – Is the office organized and well kept. A poorly kept office can be an indication of a lawyer that does not stay organized.
  2. Staff – If the lawyer does not have staff, it’s possible they cannot handle too many cases at one time. As a potential client, you should address this concern immediately. Also, if a staff is present, have they been pleasant to you? If they seem irritated or angry, it is a possible indication of a hostile or unhealthy work environment.
  3. Billing Practices – Are you being billed for making copies or postage fees? These are typically not viewed as ethical charges. Are the invoices detailed? You should be able to see who, what, and when in regards to any billed items on the invoice.

If your situation requires legal representation, it is a good idea to personally speak with a minimum of three lawyers before deciding on who should represent your case. This should start with phone calls and end with face-to-face meetings with those that best suit your needs and budget.

If you are already working with a lawyer and but find yourself uneasy or concerned with progress of your case, the source of the problem is likely one of the three items listed above. Remember, it is never too late to find another lawyer. Do not drag on your case with someone who cannot get the results you deserve.

There is no reason to wait or procrastinate if you need legal services. HOWEVER, before you do make your choice, you should have a solid understanding of how to Interview Potential Lawyers. In order to make a smart and educated decision, you should ask these five important questions. If meeting face-to-face, do not forget to bring a pen and pad to write down the responses to review and compare before making this important decision.

  1. What experience does the lawyer have in your type of legal matter?
  2. Can she/he provide references from other clients?
  3. What is her/his track record of success?
  4. Who else would be working on your case and what are their rates?
  5. What are her/his fees and how are they structured?

Remember legal fees can be very expensive and paying someone, who may ultimately fire, will not be a pleasant experience for you or your wallet. Doing your homework and choosing the best representation the first time around is a wise investment of time and your hard earned money.

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