People Are Choosing These Fast & Affordable Online Degrees In 2020 (even seniors)

by netCuriosity Editorial -  
February 28, 2021

Why an online degree?

With college tuition getting more insane every day, it’s gotten where you can’t get a degree without incurring massive debt or being forced to make heavy sacrifices to your lifestyle just to attend class on a campus.


Thanks to the rise of online colleges, you can now obtain a well-respected degree which impresses employers just as much as if you’d slugged it out the traditional way.

With online colleges you’ll get:

  • The same classes you’d get if you attended the traditional way
  • Even more choices than traditional students – online lets you take accelerated programs/classes, acquire viable credentials not available to traditional students or even complete your degree in significantly less time
  • Awesome flexibility. You’ll be able to set your schedule to your own pace, take classes when they’re convenient for you and “attend” them from the comfort of your own home

And you’ll save money…

Who wants to start their new career under financial water? Unless you love sending 1/3 of your paycheck to your loan officer or the stress of paying down giant credit card bills, NO ONE.

Well with a traditional bachelor’s degree running in the neighborhood of 50 to over 100k + other various expenses, going the traditional route means you’ll likely be throwing 1-2 year’s potential starting salary at a school just for the honor of sitting in a classroom.

Now compare that to online degree students who can spend LESS than traditional undergrads and in certain cases thanks to special financing options even obtain their degree for free!

Why you're never too old for an Online Degree

Online degree programs are perfect for seniors. You can take classes in your own time from the comfort of home. Distance learning is a great option for people with mobility issues, hearing difficulties, non-drivers and those with commitments at home. With online programs, there’s no commute and no parking worries. Class schedules are flexible, and many courses allow you to view class material when you want - and repeatedly so you can work at your own pace. Online courses are a great way for seniors learn new skills and keep the brain sharp.

Many schools offer special services for older students. Some pair students with individual advisors, and most help you get in the swing with introductory lessons explaining how online courses work. Lots of courses are geared towards the 50-plus crowd, particularly at community colleges.

In online class discussions, your real-world experience will add depth and perspective. Even if you’re shy about going back to school, online courses offer a layer of anonymity. And attaining your degree provides the opportunity to interact with people who share similar interests, relieving the isolation and boredom seniors often feel.

Returning students show a determination and perseverance that sets an admirable example for the younger generation. And personally, you know you’ve gained the maturity, discipline and responsibility to get the job done.

Exceptional Online Learning Opportunities (especially for seniors)

Associate's Programs

A two-year degree requiring approximately 60 credit hours can be an excellent platform for jumping into a new and exciting career. An Associates Degree can also mark the halfway point on an excellent jorney towards a Bachelor's Degree. Online Associates Degree opportunites are vast and offer great experience and opportunity for those looking for a career change or promotion. Some of the top Online Associate Degrees might include:

  • Child Development
  • Psychology & Counseling
  • Real Estate
  • Tax Preparation

Bachelor's Programs

A four-year degree (or two-year for those whom already have achieved an Associates Degree) requiring approximately 120 total credit hours. The flexibility of online learning allows most students to continue working full or part time while taking classes on their own schedules. Some of the most popular Online Bachelor Degrees might include:

  • Veterinary Technician
  • Computer Science & Engineering
  • Business & Entrepreneurship
  • Medical Billing

Why Shopping Online Is the Best Way To Find the Online Degree Program Right For You

Sure learning about the various online degrees might seem a bit overwhelming, but a quick online search actually makes it a really simple process. Just type in a few key words about what you’re looking for and you’ll instantly be shown a list of the best options for you.

So here’s your chance…

If you’re ready to get your life going in a more satisfying, lucrative direction and want to find the affordable, high-quality online degree programs right for you… Run a search and see what online schools are waiting for you TODAY.


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