Top 3 Reasons Why People Are Getting Nursing Degrees

by netCuriosity Editorial -  
January 28, 2021

Nursing is one of the most rewarding, enriching and challenging jobs available in the job market. 

Improving the quality of life for patients is beyond fulfilling while the compensation and benefits accompanied with nursing are second to none. 

Not only are the advantages of nursing ever-present but the steps to beginning and fulfilling your nursing education can now be completed more quickly than ever and as a whole remains one of the most affordable degrees to acquire due to the multitude of benefits accompanied with nursing. 

Below are the top three reasons why you should consider a nursing degree: 

1. Flexibility 

Many people are unfamiliar with just how flexible nursing jobs can be. 

In fact, a nurses scheduling capabilities far outweigh those of traditional jobs. 

Earning mornings, midday, evening and night shifts are all welcomed. 

If you are the type of person who likes to get work out of the way as well you could always consider stacking your shifts, many nurses prefer to stack their work shifts, an example being that you work 3 days on and have 4 days off or you work 1 day on and have 2 days off. 

Not only are your hours flexible but so are your travel opportunities, there are many nursing professionals who operate as travel nurses. 

Working with athletic teams, the Peace Corps or Doctors Without Borders, there are many avenues you can pursue that can take you just about anywhere with nursing. 

2. Job Security 

Unlike other job fields, nurses will always be in demand, especially as the population continues to age and new health problems surface. 

According to GeorgeTown University findings, over 1 million baby boomer nursing professionals will be retiring over the next two decades. 

Of the 1.6 million job opening for nurses, 880,000 will result from retirements while 700,000 will be newly-created opportunities. 

Additionally, the US Bureau of Labor reports that the job outlook for registered nurses is estimated at 12%, which is much faster than average. 

When it comes to job security, nursing is one of the safest avenues to pursue. 

3. Earning Your Degree Online 

There is no denying that nursing curriculums can be grueling and downright difficult but with the technology and opportunities available to us today you should know that many accredited schools offer Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Bachelor of Science (BS) degrees entirely online. 

Having the advantage of being able to complete your nursing education online not only ensures that you can handle your studies as a pace suitable to you but also can save you thousands of dollars that you would be paying for in-person college tuition. 

With more and more colleges offering online nursing degree programs, your chances of becoming a nurse are now more accessible than ever before. 

Getting Your Nursing Degree 

When it comes to narrowing down a nursing degree that suits your desires and is tailored best for you, it is best to compare a few different options prior to committing. 

Researching online will help you narrow down the selection significantly while also showing you more of the many advantages that are accompanied with earning your nursing degree online. 

Reduce the financial burden upon yourself and begin an exciting and rewarding career in the world of medicine. 

To find the best options available to you, it is advised by many that you search online that way you can gather a more complete picture of what’s in store for you. 

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